Hello Ghana!
Fun to hear from you last week. How are the people you are teaching? How is Elder Maddox? How long has he been out?
Any luck on getting running water yet? I have been so grateful that you have still been able to e-mail.
U of U- No need to worry yet. I gave you a false alarm. Sorry.
So I called to get some more info on housing and you can't sign up until next fall which will only put you on a waiting list for an opening in a random spot in the honor housing communities in January. But, next fall (Sept/Nov) you will need to decide if you want to be on the waiting list, or live with Mike or other nice person or other dorm for 4 months in the spring, and apply for housing the living and learning community you want to be for the fall. I have numbers for you to review when you want your brain involved it. No need to focus on it until about Sept.
Pace wore grandpas lederhosen to school on Friday for dress up day.See pictures.Looking good.
Ward party- The ward party was focused around a service auction. We auctioned off a tandem bike rental. 3 for one day or one for 3 days. Anna Fullmer bid the highest. We combined our individual points and won a foreign meal made by Amy Gahn, a welding job by Bro Huffaker, tile laying advice from Brother Hale and a scripture case from Rachel Nelson (a young BYU-I couple).
Working for the INL- Dad just signed on to do contract work with the INL and can't tell us what he is working on. That will keep him really busy through March, then be ongoing.
Dad and I worked at the County Food Bank on Tuesday. That was fun to work together- See picture.
Porter had a fun band concert on Wednesday. The favorite piece was the Messiah. They also combined with the orchestra for the last number. Aunt Natalie sat by us. Rachel was in the orchestra. It was fun to see them. Porter really likes the new band teacher, Mr. Skidmore. He said he is a lot like Mr. Weed because he focuses on tone and musicality. The Jazz band played at the Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce Christmas party. They got a donation of $1000. Porter had so much fun playing elevator music softly for hours.
The Hammons moved down the street from us into Ed Watson's house. They were hoping to adopt a baby and sold their house to get enough cash. They went to Arkansas to pick up the baby and the birth mother changed her mind at the last minute. It was disappointing for them.
We have had the cross country skiis out. I got a pair that fit Sadie and Davis. They go skiing down the small hill past the bridge. I have been skiing out in the Casper's field.
Thurl Bailey came to Sadie's DARE graduation. It was fun to see how much the kids like Mike Miller. This is his 25th year doing DARE.
We had a huge snow storm on Friday which caused a real standstill around here. Tad and Sadie's band concert was cancelled because of it. There was a blizzard warning through Saturday at 10am with winds predicted at 60 MPH. The winds really never came, but we cancelled our trip down to Natalie's wedding because of the bad road conditions. I am lamenting missing fun family stuff. From the pictures we saw from grandma and Kirsten it was a wonderful day and Spencer looks like a great guy. I am happy for them.
Update on Grandma Nikki- Grandma Nikki received the results of her final PET scan and the cancer that they were watching came out clear!! They did find Thyroid Cancer that she will have surgically removed on the 23rd. They say that the chemo she had didn't effect the thyroid cancer, but it is common to find thyroid cancer as a secondary cancer in the process. She is feeling good. Dad and the kids went over tonight and played cards. I stayed home with Drew because he had a runny nose. We bonded while watching a Nature show.
We are so excited to talk to you next week. Any plan for calling? We will be around with the phone all day so we are flexible.
Do you have any other fun plans for Christmas? This week we are going to Madison gymnastics for a Shelfology party, then a hot date to Mountain River Ranch for the Delorum party. The kids want to go sledding, have a movie day and relax from school. There is no school this week or next. We hope to visit grandma and grandpa for one of those days.
We love you!
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