Hello Ghana!
What have you learned about Nigeria? Have your companions influenced your personality at all? Do you think you have changed in any way because of them?
This week was the annual Middle School Band Concert and Potato Dinner. We are eating leftover potatoes again today. It was Sadie's first concert. She did great on the clarinet. Tad dressed up with Brigham as Mario and Luigi . The Jazz band is especially fun to listen to. Dad, Davis and Drew went to that while Porter, Pace and I went to Porter's soccer banquet. It is a little step up with carne asada (thin cut beef cooked on the grill). We bought some extra carne asada to take home from the soccer banquet. Porter got a cool goalie award and a picture of him jumping above the goal. (Look at that height!!!)
Davis was sick with a hacky cough this week, so missed several days of school. One included a grocery shopping day that I had planned with Drew going to Newmyer's so I could get it all done. Davis ended up coming with his bed set up in the van, homework and books to read.
Dad has been working hard on training animations. He comes home for dinner and then continues til late at night, including Saturdays.
Natalie (Johnson) is getting married on Dec 18th. Included in Bret's e-mail was also the news that Parker has decided to have his records removed from the church. That was sad for us. Bret said to ask Parker directly if you have any questions. Dad-Make sure you're converted, and continue in the path after your mission. Mom-We don't really know anything else about Parker's situation. But keep in mind that life continues after your mission. Life sends you curveballs and so learning the basics of prayer, testimony, serving others, living by faith, solving problems, finding answers, getting along with others, doing hard things...ect will help you stay on the boat. Heavenly Father is constant. You will continue to have learning and growing experiences.
My uncle Billy was in the newspaper headlines for making comments directed toward the Evan McMullin (in not a good way). He was even the subject of a whole Glen Beck segment. That was fun for Dad to joke about the Johnson relatives. Sooo, if you don't know, the elections are this Tues!!!!AAHHH!!!!
I sent some quilt samples to Canyonlands and Bryce for the 100th year Anniversary of the National Parks. Canyonlands said they sold out of all the fabric patterns after they put it out.
Porter went to Sadie Hawkins with Stefanie Fielding. They did a scavenger hunt in Idaho Falls and went to eat at Cafe Sabor. He had fun. His friends have been coming over for Mongolian Monday (make your own stir fry). They go to Colton's for Taco Thursday, and Abby's for Waffle Wednesday.
Tad and Dad went with the deacons on a 10 mile bike ride from Menan to Wendy's in Rigby on Saturday. Dad, Brigham and Tad went the 10 extra miles and biked back while everyone else rode back in the truck. Our goal is to ride from Bear Gulch in a few weeks and Hiawatha trail in Northern Idaho next summer.
Pace talked non stop to Dad and I one night this week. We were floored! It was the most he has talked to us in years. He loves chemistry, ultimate frisbee at lunch with his friends and the police cadet stuff.
Jason Watson bore his testimony today about wanting to do good at work, visiting people, helping neighbors,getting to church on time, magnifying calling, helping family and wanting to do so many things that you just get parlyzed. Then remembering that the Lord works in small things and we should remember the small things that we do. "By small and simple things are great things brought to pass".
An article in the Friend magazine by Elder Erying also continued that thought "....His whole life he did little things for God that he was prompted to do....Act on the promptings you feel. If it is to pay tithing or visit a sad friend, you should do it. whatever it is, do it. When you show that you are willing to obey, the Spirit will send you more impressions of what God would have you do for Him. As you obey your power to choose the right will increase. When it seems difficult, God will send the Holy Ghost to help."
We love you!!! Keep working hard and make lifetime habits that will help you through the hard times and the fun times. We know the Lord is mindful of you and will answer your prayers. You are a great example for all of us.
Love, Mom
Advice from Dad this week- The most successful times of my mission were when my companion and I got along and enjoyed being with each other. We had fun but we worked hard.
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