Elder Burgreen and Merrell stopped by to visit Jessie. They are both going to BYUI. Remember them?

Guess who Drew and I worked with cleaning apartments?
Porter said he feels like we are a small normal family now.....??
Elder Nelson,
We loved getting the nice picture of you and your companion! We are counting the nights that you have slept in a real missionary apartment. We are also thinking of all the prayers you are saying.....just the two of you. Pace was complaining about how many times he had to say a family prayer this week.
Please, send us a picture of your apartment so we can visualize where you are. Bantama, is like batman mixed up, so it is easy to remember and we have it marked on the map. Tell Elder Antwi "HI" from us.
So, today was a really wonderful wedding. The weather was awesome, like summer, at least 60 degrees. Interesting things about the wedding were:
- Porter sat a a table with Dallen H. Oaks' wife. (Naoko is translating her book into Japanese)
- Dima came and said that he hasn't been playing soccer in SLC this past month with small children
- Kurt came from Hawaii
- I can't even carry on a conversation in Japan. It was like cement was in my brain. I was sad about that.
- A Japanese friend sealed them.
- The only actual family Naoko had there was a cousin that came from Japan. She is a non-member.
- Naoko had about 30 other Japanese friends there, some who traveled from Japan and Seattle.
- We ate a very fancy dinner at Thanksgiving Point.
- Natalie is at BYU and said she is dating someone.....
- Family is everything and it is always so fun to be together!!
Porter is getting ready to take the ACT. He found a fun science camp this summer, He got an A- in Chemistry and was pretty bummed. He is reading the book that the Princess Bride came from.
Pace was the first one of us all to get Home/visiting teaching done this month. He came out with the best grades this tri in the family. He has taken over your bed and is itching to wear your clothes.
Tad went to the temple again this week with his friends. He spent the week getting homework done before the end of the tri. Do you miss that?
Sadie is loving piano and practices everyday without me saying a thing. Lora is amazing with Pace and Sadie. Pace doesn't have the practicing thing down.... he still loves going to piano lessons.
Davis memorized a story in Chinese and surprised me when he recited it one day after school. There is a new student teacher in his class, who actually came from Taiwan...BYU-Hawaii and the Kurt connection. She is way happy and bubbly. She and her boyfriend came to FHE and told us about the growth of the church in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Chris and Katelyn came too. They are moving to Montana next month.
As you saw, Drew and I had fun working with Becky and Straton .... and crazy Dave, cleaning the apartments that you worked on. We cleaned the first two buildings. Greg has them all sold. He is really good at that. Thompson paving was paving the parking lot while we were there. I haven't heard Crazy Dave laugh yet. We will go back again next week to clean more.
The big news is that Pagodabox and Delorum are separating officially by next week. I don't think much will change in our lives. I am glad Dad feels guided by the spirit and has been inspired when he reads the scriptures. I am sure he will write more about it next week. When I was reading Alma 49:27-50:... about Moroni, it really reminded me of dad because he always strives to keep the commandments, live by the spirit and work to do all that he can. Opposite than
Grandpa will get his knee replaced on Tues. Grandma and Grandpa are giving away more stuff this weekend.
Are you getting all of your friends' emails that you want? We see Jared's and Maria's and Kelsey's.
Know we love you so much and can't wait to hear from you about all the stuff we thought we knew about Ghana, but don't have a clue.
Love, Mom
p.s. We had to drive the Jeep down this weekend. We found a large Y sticker on the top of the Thule. Do you know who did this? We also found your backpack in the Thule from the summer backpacking trip....... I can't wait to unpack the contents when we get back.
"Isaac doesn't talk as much."- Drew
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